Country Music Videos

The Emotion of Losing Loved Ones: Craig Morgan’s “This Ain’t Nothin'”

Launched into the world of country music in January 2010, Craig Morgan deeply infused his single, “This Ain’t Nothin’,” with layers of raw emotion and poignant feeling. The song, penned by the talented songwriting duo Kerry Kurt Phillips and Chris DuBois, marked Morgan’s 17th single and achieved a notable position within the top 40 on the US Country Charts for the year 2010. It was a standout track on Morgan’s fifth studio album, “That’s Why.”

In an intriguing twist, Craig Morgan disclosed that “This Ain’t Nothin’” was a later addition to the album. Initially, the album was set to feature ten tracks, all of which Morgan held in high regard. However, during the recording process, he felt a strong inclination to include “This Ain’t Nothin’” and another track titled “Bonfire” in the lineup.

Originally slated for inclusion in a subsequent album, the overwhelming affection Morgan and his team had for the final renditions of these songs prompted a bold move. They decided to recall all unsold copies of the album and reissue it with the new tracks replacing two of the original pieces.

The narrative woven into “This Ain’t Nothin’” is heart-wrenchingly powerful. It tells the story through a poignant encounter between a reporter and an elderly man, post the devastation of his home by a tornado. The old man imparts a profound perspective on loss to the reporter, emphasizing the insignificance of material loss against the backdrop of losing loved ones.

He recounts the pivotal losses in his life: the death of his father in a mining accident when he was just eight, the loss of his younger brother in the tumult of Vietnam, and the most crushing blow of all, the passing of his wife of fifty years to illness. These losses, he implies, create voids that no material wealth or passage of time can ever fill.

“This Ain’t Nothin’” stands out as a testament to Craig Morgan’s ability to capture the essence of human emotion and the universal experience of grief and loss. It serves as a stark reminder of what truly holds value in life and the profound impact of loss.

For those about to press play on “This Ain’t Nothin’,” be forewarned: the song’s depth and emotional resonance may very well bring tears to your eyes. Keep some tissues handy as you embark on this moving auditory journey with Craig Morgan.

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